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Frankford Arsenal Perfect Seat Primer organizer that houses the primer seating tool, all of the shell holders which are numbered to match their shell holder numbers, all the accessories that comes with it plus will hold two caliper sets since most reloaders have both digital and standard calipers. 


The organizer can be wall mounted, mounted on an Inline Fabrication rail organizer as shown in the pictures or it has rubber feet to simply use it as a bench-top organizer that can be stored in other ways. 


As always our 3D prints are professional quality prints using professional quality filamant made in Texas and we design the settings per product for best quality and strength. Our prints are not the typical junk quality you find all over ebay.


The hand primer and parts are for display purposes only and are not included with the organizer, you will receive the organizer only with four rubber feet on the bottom. 

FA Perfect Seat Primer Organizer

Pre-Order sales usually ship 5-10 business days
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